Sister Spotlight


Big & Little

Jenna- I knew immediately that Mia was the one that I wanted as my little, She is so similar to me and we always have the best time. Now we live together and she’s one of my best friends!

Mia- From the beginning, I saw how Jenna and I just clicked, and we like so much of the same things. We immediately had such a strong relationship and it has made my ADPi experience a dream. She is one of my closest friends, mentors, and sister, and I couln’’t be more grateful for my big!

Coaching our Mane MAn

Hello everyone! I am Julia and I am a recent ASU ADPi alum. One of my favorite ADPi moments was when I coached a fraternity for our Fall ‘21 philanthropy event. We were hosting our annual Mane Man competition, where we have different men from each frat compete to be our sweet heart. I was able to coach Cody from Sigma Alpha Mu and it was some of the most fun I have had. When I coached him, me and Cody instantly became besties. It also helped us improve our relationship with Cody’s frat.

Living In the sorority House

Hi everyone! My name is Jordyn and I recently lived in the ADPi sorority house or aka the Pi Palace. At first I was a little hesitant about living in, and having 40 roommates seemed like it would be tough. But when the end of the year came, and it was time to pack up, it was one of the hardest things ever. I had bonded with these girls so much and had even joined the infamous ‘Couch Crew’ that would always be hanging out on the couch until 3am most nights. To almost setting the house on fire with over cooked popcorn to being their for my sisters when they needed it most, I wouldn’t change a thing. I loved living in and it is one of if not my most favorite ADPi memory.